Building Our Future: Southern Illinois and Around the Globe

Youth programs in Rotary are designed, and becoming an increasing focus, as Rotarians embrace the goal of developing leaders of the future. Each program builds and compliments the other and all share the common goals over service, leadership, and opportunity. Please take a minutes to explore each program. If you have questions each program's page has a contact point and we look forward to hearing from you. 

RYLA; Rotary Youth Leadership Academy, is designed for young adults with proven leadership ability and a commitment to community service. RYLA will help you discover your potential and develop the skills needed to be a leader in your community, career, and everyday life. In District 6510 RYLA is a 3 day program  which focuses on leadership, problem solving and team building. Sound interesting? Check out the RYLA page to learn more and apply.


Are you interested in learning a new language or meeting new people? Rotary Youth Exchange is the opportunity of a lifetime for the more than 8,000 students who participate each year. By sharing your own culture and embracing a new one, you help foster global understanding—and learn a great deal about yourself and your home country in the process. Just one CLICK is the first step in a journey you may have only dreamed of. 


Interact is a club for High School students who want to connect with others in their school while serving their community. Interact club members have fun while carrying out service projects and building leadership skills. Interact clubs organize at least two service projects a year: one in their community and one with an international focus. While Interact clubs receive guidance from individual Rotary clubs, they govern and support themselves. Interact is STRONG in Southern, IL. 


Rotaract brings together university students worldwide to organize service activities, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun. Rotary clubs sponsor them, but Rotaract members manage their clubs independently. Rotaract members work closely with their local Rotary club, and may join after their Rotaract membership ends. Check out the Rotaract Clubs at Colleges around Southern, IL.